Best SEO Blogs of 2007

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by andrewsho

The end of the year is the perfect time to point out some of my favorite sources of SEO information. For my readers in the SEO industry this is all going to be pretty old hat but for all of the rest I think you’ll find these links quite valuable. Here are the SEO blogs you really shouldn’t do without:

Andy Beard’s Blog Search Engine Performance, WordPress, Niche Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Tips and Social Media with Original Opinion and Loads of Attitude. The title says it all. Andy is probably my favorite SEO blogger. If you can stick with him you can learn more from one of his posts than an entire “SEO for Dummies” book (not a high bar but I am suffering from a dearth of analogies today). For those of you interested in really digging into the details of SEO Andy is the man. And he answers his emails very fast. For more on how Andy made this blog check out this post on how to suck up to Andy Beard.

Graywolf’s SEO Blog – Michael Gray is a guy who seems to come up with a new angle on SEO every day. He has a very entertaining and informative blog. I feel like at least once a week I pick up a new tip from him that is worth testing.

SmallbusinessSEM – Matt McGee is Marchex’s SEO guy and he writes well about the challenges and opportunities for small businesses in search. Not to mention he seems like a decent guy.

SEOBook – When it comes to SEO Aaron Wall has earned quite a reputation in the SEO world by sharing reams of valuable information on how it works. He also seems to answer almost every question that he’s asked which is amazing for a guy with such a large readership.

SEO 2.0 – This is Tad Chef’s excellent blog on social media optimization & SEO. Tad has a penchant for declaring SEO 1.0 dead and is a big proponent of SMO. He’s got a great writing style and supplies ideas by the boat load.

Techipedia – Tamar Weinberg’s blog on social media optimization. If you want to know how to get your site on the front page of Digg you should listen to what Tamar has to say.

I could go on forever. Just add all of these feeds to your news reader and you’ll be a lot smarter in 30 days (provided you read them that is).


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