Are You A Member of the Twitter Chamber of Commerce?

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by andrewsho

That’s the title of my debut post on SearchEngineLand’s “Local’s Only” section from yesterday.  For some reason SEL thought it would be a good idea to push my stuff out on a day when almost nobody would see it, sort of like how Van Jones resigned this weekend.  Basically the post is on how to use Twitter to build awareness of your business locally.  From the post:

A few weeks ago, I got followed on Twitter by the Hilton Hotel in my hometown of Pleasanton, CA. My guess was that they were following anyone who looked like a business in the area with the intent of promoting their networking events.I wondered if the connection came with bar privileges but soon forgot about it. A few minutes later though, I got a follow notice from a local Italian restaurant. And that was quickly followed by two local wineries and a car dealer. I started to get curious.

Read the full opus here.


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