A Hacked Email Account Is A Great Way To Expose Great People

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by andrewsho

It’s not every morning that the first call I get is from Sequoia Capital. Then again it’s not every morning that the first call I get is from Sequoia Capital telling me that my Yahoo email account has been hacked.

For about the past 30 minutes I have received so many calls alerting me to this issue – and some checking to make sure that my family and I really are not in Spain and need them to wire us cash right away so we can continue to pig out on tapas. Thanks to everyone who did their part to fight against this royal, evil pain in the ass.

That said, you can still wire the money to me via PayPal. Got a hankering for paella.

The silver lining here is that I have been looking for a reason to stop using my crusty old Yahoo mail account for years. Hello gmail.


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