2010 SEMMYS Nominees Are Out

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by andrewsho

Matt McGee has put together a great list of the top online marketing posts from 2009.  There are a lot of great articles to dig into and I am psyched to see a few LSG posts from last year made the cut:

How To Get Your Site Indexed Quickly In Google & Other Search Engines (I Hope)
(in the SEO Category)

IYP SEO Rankings Report 2009
(in the Local Search Category)

Yellow Pages vs. Social Media: A Rebuttal to the Lazy, Lying Mainstream Media
(in the Rants Category)

Hint to judges, I am pulling for the Rant.

I will be judging the Search Tech category along with the inestimable Todd Malicoat.  Any nominees who wish to ply me with liquor, cigarettes and/or stacks of unmarked bills, you know how to find me (logowear is not an option).


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