19% of All Google Hotel Queries Are Mobile

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by andrewsho

From Google’s Mobile Insights Blog:

Mobile devices make all five stages of the travel process more accessible and more robust for consumers. It also opens opportunities for marketers.
Dreaming: Westin Hotels & Resorts created a display campaign on The Weather Channel’s app. It invited users to “Tap here to warm up,” planting the seed for the dreaming user to begin planning their travel with Westin to warmer climes.
Research: At Google we’re seeing 19% of all hotel queries conducted on mobile devices.
Booking: Giving users an easy way to book on the spot is crucial. Scott Durchslag, President of Expedia.com revealed “70% of people searching on a phone are looking for a single room, for a single person for a single night that same day.”
Experiencing: Features such as reviews, translation, “scan and go” check-ins for flights, and location maps make the travel experience easier.
Sharing: A study we conducted with Ipsos/OTX indicates that 49% of travelers report making travel plans based on the experiences and reviews of others.

Glad to see so many people are last-minute decision-makers too.

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